Traditional Lens Surfacing
Traditional lens manufacturing has the design surfaced only on the front of a semi-finished lens blank. The progressive design, base curve, and add power were molded on the front surface of the lens using these molds. The RX (distance power) is then ground (surfaced) into the back of the lens using a generator. The lens would then go to the surface finers and polishers to complete the grinding process. Traditional surfacing is limited in the number of customizations of the progressive designs because of the physical constraints of traditional tools. In addition, traditional surfacing of progressive can only incorporate two facial measurements; the height of your pupil in the frame and the distance between your pupils. One further limitation to traditional surfacing is that it can only correct your prescription in quarter diopter increments and only in the optical center of the lens.

The Benefits:
- Visual comfort with easy transition between near and far
- Personalization to each patient for best visual quality
- Wide viewing areas at all distances
- Improved peripheral vision
- Reduced distortion (or swim effect)